Child Rescue Center 3-3-11-101 Hon-cho Nakano-ku Tokyo, Japan 164-0012
Tel 03-3373-9998 Fax 03-3373-9994 (We can presently only respond via phone or fax)
Information regarding the Sumatra earthquake Charity Activity
Supported by Singapore Airlines, Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. and Izawa Office., and Sun Music Production.
After the Sumatra earthquake that occurred at the end of 2004, many people have become victims of this tragic incident, and there are still a lot of people suffering and making tremendous efforts for restoration. I give my sincere condolences to the people who have passed away. When people lose their houses, have their families swept away, lose their schools and jobs, and are at the verge of despair, what will put light into their lives? What can we do to the lonesome children? As one who was spared of being victim to this tragedy, I have decided to visit India to be of some help.

In Japan, there is a custom to give chocolates to people we love on Valentines Day in February. With the help from people who have agreed to our concept of giving the children of Kerala, India a piece our love and care for them, we plan to conduct a supporting charity activity from February 15th for 10 days. This is a short period, but it is only the first step of help for a long way of recovery, and we plan to continue our support in both tangible and intangible methods as long as possible.

As a medical activity from UNICEF, 14,000 children have been administered with Vitamin A to create resistance against infection, and vaccine for measles. I believe there are a lot of steps in the process of recovery, but after care for the body, I truly believe the next necessary step is care for the heart.

Also at the Great Hanshin (Kobe) Earthquake 10 years ago, there was a coverage saying that the sweet chocolates enriched the childrenfs heart. This may not look so important compared to the overall recovery, but I believe this plus alpha service to give peace and strength and happiness that comes from sweets to children, is an important job for Japan, as a satiated country that was not victimized by the tsunami.

Along with chocolate and candy, we also plan to distribute Infant Massage Oil. After natural disasters, victims are normally busy with restoring their normal life, and do not have time to spend peaceful time with their children, but to heal wounded hearts, communication among families plays the most important role. We would like to help make time for peaceful communication through massage in India, a country which gave a tremendous inspiration to the creation of infant massage. Using oil, we plan to add new IAIM techniques to the traditional Indian massages, and help recover peaceful hearts.
It takes 13 hours to go from Japan to India by plane, and the two countries are far away in distance, but I would like to take this opportunity to give my sincere gratitude for the airline companies that have helped close this distance, and have agreed with our concept to help the children.

January, 2005

Yuko Kusama
Director, Child Rescue Center

Schedule for the Sumatra earthquake Charity Activity conducted by the Child Rescue Center
Supported by: Singapore Airlines, Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. Izawa Office

Staying at: Amritapuri Kerala, India
Mata Amritanandamayi Mission trust (English web site)

February 15th
SQ997 Departure: Tokyo, 11:30 Arrival: Singapore, 18:00
MI498 Departure: Singapore 19:50 Arrival: Trivandrum@21:30
February 16th -
February 21st
Visit the disaster areas in Kerala, India, and start supporting activities. Procure candies at local area to give to the children.
We will give these candies to the children along with the chocolate brought from Japan.
February 22nd
February 23rd
MI497 Departure: Trivandrum 22:30 Arrival: Singapore 05:20 (23rd)
SQ998 Departure: Singapore 23:40 Arrival: Tokyo 07:05 (24th)

Child Rescue Center
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