Child Rescue Center 3-3-11-101 Hon-cho Nakano-ku Tokyo, Japan 164-0012
Tel 03-3373-9998 Fax 03-3373-9994 (We can presently only respond via phone or fax)
Commodities for the Sumatra earthquake Charity
Supported by Singapore Airlines, Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd., Izawa Office, and Sun Music Production.
We believe that vitalizing the local economy that has been devastated by the disaster, is just as important as helping the children.

If there is no employment for the parents, the children cannot have a stable life. The commodities planned to be purchased locally are the following.

Coconut oil, mustard oil. (For 500 people)

We would like to revive the traditional Indian parent and child massage at Kerala, a massage that gave a tremendous impact on the formation of Infant Massage. Right after the disaster, people may be too busy to recover their normal lives, and not have leeway in their heart to relax. It is in this critical moment that we would like to provide oil to create a special moment where parents can spend peaceful time with their children holding emotional scars.

Coconut oil and Mustard oil can reduce the body temperature of the people living in India where the temperature is high and the oils are a good fit with Indian skin. It is also a product that can easily be purchased locally.

We plan on distributing the oil in 40 ml containers brought from Japan. This is enough oil that can be used up to 3 to 4 weeks for massage. Since this oil can be purchased locally, we hope that the massaging custom in families will continue even after the oil we provide runs out.

Amritapuri, Kerala, India is a place where AMMA (who received the United Nations Gandhi-King Award for non-violence in 2002, and who is also famous in Japan), bases her activities. The candy will be distributed by AMMA to the children, and we have already created a route to procure a large number of candy.

We hope that the children will feel a sense of reassurance with the gregularh present (candy), and a feeling of excitement with a gdifferenth present (chocolate) coming from abroad.

Child Rescue Center
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