Child Rescue Center 3-3-11-101 Hon-cho Nakano-ku Tokyo, Japan 164-0012
Tel 03-3373-9998 Fax 03-3373-9994 (We can presently only respond via phone or fax)
Infant Massage Classes
Held by Radish Boya
Yokohama city, Kanagawa Pref.
Conducted every month.
First, Second, Third, and Fourth Friday. ( 1 series consists of 4 sessions)
Target: 0 months to crawlers
10:30 - 11:30 or 13:00 - 14:00 class.
8 parent and child pairs per class. Charged.

Conducted at Radish Boya Studio @ Aobadai Station of the Denen Toshi line. 3 minute walk from station.

Contact: @Radish Boya
Held by Inagi-shi Bunka Center
Inagi City, Tokyo
Conducted every year from June to July ( 1 series consists of four lessons)

10:00 - 11:00 or 11:30 - 12:30 Classes.
7 parent and child pairs per class.@Free of charge.
Inagi-shi Dai-ni Bunka Center and Dai-yon Bunka Center

Contact: Inagi city, Tokyo

Dai-ni Bunka Center Tel: 042-378-0567 Dai-yon Bunka Center Tel: 042-377-4406
– For those wishing to participate in infant massage classes other than the areas listed above, please contact the Child Rescue Center and we will introduce you to a certified IAIM instructor near your area.

– For those interested in the Infant Massage Instructorfs course, please contact the Japan Association of Infant Massage i‚i‚`‚h‚lj
Free Telephone Consultation
Every Wednesday 9:00 - 17:00 Tel : 03-3373-9998 (Child Rescue Center)
We will consult your problems regarding childcare and child abuse. (Presently out of service. We will put up a notice as soon as we restart)
Every June at the Minataku Daiba Jidoukan
Theme: What is Infant Massage?
Contact: 03-5500-2363 (Minatoku Daiba Jidoukan)

–@For those wishing for lectures in the Infant Massage and child care field, please contact the Child Rescue Center directly.

Child Rescue Center
(c) 2004-2006‚b‚ˆ‚‰‚Œ‚„r‚…‚“‚ƒ‚•‚…@‚b‚…‚Ž‚”‚…‚’ @@All Rights Reserved.